Thursday, February 26, 2009

See no Evil, Hear no Evil

We are missing Speak no Evil!! I couldn't even imagine so let's not go there :)

Grandma Marlene was going to come over on Monday so Aunt Roxie and Mommy said "Oh No Grandma's coming" and their reaction was as follows:
See no Evil, Hear no Evil

Showin' the LOVE

Not much new here. Michael and Autumn were "caught" givin' love on Monday so I couldn't resist getting pictures. I can't imagine what their idea of givin' love will be in a few years? I have a feeling it will involve alot of pushing, shoving and crying!! HA HA I will defintely have to show these to Autumn and Michael when they are older and say "See you did love each other at one time in your life - now get along! " HE HE

The twins have their 15 month pediatrician appointment on March 13 so I probably won't post again until after then.

Here are some LOVE pictures
Michael lovin' Autumn

Autumn lovin' Michael back

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

Happy Valetine's Day (better late than never)!

I hope everyone had a beautiful Valentine's Day. We didn't do much. Ron worked, the kids and I hung out at home and I then I fixed us Salmon for supper. I don't think it was Autumn's favorite meal!! :) Autumn got a new pink swing and Michael got a see 'n say. Michael didn't get a blue swing because he already has one! Heather got Madagascar 2. I can hardly wait to watch it!

I brought in their Little Tikes slide so they could get used to climbing it before spring/summer comes and to say the least it has been a hit! I had to add this picture of Michael wearing Ron's work boots. He is addicted to them!!! If Ron doesn't bring the boots in the house when he gets home Michael sits at the back door and actually throws a "temper tantrum" until we bring the boots in. Oh boy the 2's are going to be fun :)

Autumn and her new swingMichael "caught" with his see 'n say is Sissy's swing. Once again "black mail" material :)
Autumn climbing up the slide
Autumn preparing to slide down the slide
Michael in Daddy's boots. Please Michael do Mommy a favor and DON"T work where Daddy's works!

Friday, February 6, 2009

1st Haircut

We survived another "first". Michael and Autumn received their first haircut on Monday, February 2. Autumn's was more a trimming of her bangs. Poor girl...she is going to take after her Mother and have fine, thin hair that just doesn't grow. :( Michael got an official hair cut! His bangs were down to the tip of his nose, the sides were way past his ears and the back was past his collar. Michael had lots of curls in the back and I hated to see them go but he looks like such a young man now. They both did really well sitting in the chair. Michael got a little irritated towards the end and was ready to be done. Autumn didn't mind the cape at all but Michael ripped it off the minute it was put on (he hates bibs too, actually they both do). In case you're wondering...I did get envelopes of their hair to put in their baby books. Check out the before and after pictures of Michael (he looks like a new kid). Autumn's first hair cut (bang trim)
Michael's first hair cut (look how long it is)
Autumn's bangs after the trim (they were actually past her eyes)
Drum roll please......................

Michael after the hair cut (WOW! is this the same kid)?
I just had to put this picture up.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Not much new here....

Happy Groundhog Day~
Not much has been going on in the Behling household. I think we are just trying to get back to "normal" after all of the holiday hoopla. Autumn and Michael are still climbing onto everything and I mean everything! There is no stopping them - just when you think there isn't anything else they climb on - BAM! they find something new. We have had a few happenings since the last update. We got new carseats! YEAH for Mommy's back (they were getting quite heavy). Autumn has cut 3 of her molars. It probably took her almost 1 month to cut them all. I am very blessed that she does well with cutting her teeth. She was only up 1 time through the night for about 20 minutes and after a little cuddling she went right back to sleep. Michael has only had the 4 upper teeth and 2 lower teeth for about 3-4 months now. Michael has been really crabby lately and I now know why. Last night I saw his other 2 bottom teeth are starting to break through. I took some pictures yesterday of the twins in Heather's pink head wrap. I'm sure Michael will love me when he gets older (I guess I can use it as blackmail material). Michael is getting his first haircut tomorrow night so I will be certain to post again soon.

Autumn in the pink wrap

Michael in the pink head wrap (what a poser)