Saturday, November 29, 2008

Playin' in the Leaves


Look at the hand on the left side of the bottom picture. Cody's covering up his brother in the leaf pile. The kids had a great time raking up leaves yesterday, then jumping in them. What fun!

Thanksgiving 2008

We got together with my Mom's family for Thanksgiving at my cousins house in Kennard. Greg and Sally have done a lot of work to their home and it is beautiful. Sally is quite the hostess! We had a great time and were very happy to be with our family this year (didn't get to do much last year due to bed rest). Here are a few pictures of the twins in their 1st Thanksgiving onesies! I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

1st Birthday Pictures

We had Autumn & Michael's 1st Birthday pictures taken at Sears yesterday. Here are a couple of their pictures!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was spent in Blair at Grandma Phyllis house. Heather got tons of candy. Autumn and Michael hung out with Grandma, Don and Dad. As you can tell by the looks on their faces they HATED getting into their costumes. They were too restricting. Everytime they moved the snaps would pop open! I guess this is one of the many memories we will have. I will post more pictures later in the month.


Michael hating his pea pod costume
Autumn hating her pea pod costume

Heather as Hannah Montana for Halloween